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Articles on South Africa

Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 1761 articles

South Africa needs some universities that focus on teaching, and others that concentrate on research. Shutterstock

How the funding of science research in South Africa can be overhauled

South Africa must examine how science funding is allocated to universities. It also needs to acknowledge that not all universities should be focusing on research and development.
Protesters call for the removal of South African President Jacob Zuma. Civil society has a major role to play in South Africa. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

South Africa’s economy will be stuck unless there’s new political alignment

South Africa’s ruling party has lost its moral and intellectual capacity to claim the mantle of leadership. The country’s economy won’t recover unless new political alignments emerge.
Former Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan. He left the job after concerted political attacks. Reuters/Shailesh Andrade

Reserve Bank independence: sobering lessons from India and South Africa

Attacks on the South African Reserve Bank and events in India that led to the exit of the governor of the country’s central bank are a warning that banks aren’t immune from political meddling.
The apartheid government built universities for black students far from major cities or safe routes. Shutterstock

How the legacy of apartheid design is making students’ lives unsafe

The system of apartheid is long gone. But its legacy of poor funding for historically black universities - and of planning that banished black universities to cities’ margins - remains.
One South African school issues ‘demerits’ if their pupils speak anything but English. David Ritchie/Cape Argus

How schools use language as a way to exclude children

Schools and universities in post-colonial contexts still operate within the logic of coloniality. This is starkly illustrated by their language policies.
Hair speaks of the past, and of cultural heritage. Steve Evans/Flickr

The heritage of hair: stories of resilience and creativity

Hair has long been modified for aesthetic and other ends. But skewed power structures have meant that women, particularly women of colour, have borne the brunt of stereotyping and prejudice.
The financial safety net for South African children is better than in most countries. But other vulnerabilities aren’t taken care of adequately. Reuters

South Africa does child support grants well, but not other welfare services

The lack of service integration and the paucity of welfare services make poor people’s task of caring for their familes much harder. A small monthly cash transfer can’t solve all their challenges.
“Black hair” has sparked a new racism row at a top South African school. Yves Herman/Reuters

Pupils deserve applause for demanding a just school system

Schools need to adapt and evolve in changing circumstances and conditions as their students’ demographic composition shifts.
One of the first dilemmas that black people face is whether to let strangers touch their hair – and under what circumstances. Thomas Mukoya/Reuters

From slavery to colonialism and school rules: a history of myths about black hair

When it comes to black hair, “common sense” is the least reliable tool for decision making since even black people are constantly changing their minds about what they want to do with their hair.

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