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Articles on Technology

Displaying 1161 - 1180 of 1221 articles

A traditionalist view of childhood has created certain fears among adults regarding children and technology.

Speaking with: Joanne Orlando on children and technology

Speaking with: Joanne Orlando on children and technology CC BY-SA25.7 MB (download)
Should we be worried that ever more devices and software applications are made specifically for an increasingly younger audience?
It’s what comes after the great scientific discoveries that Russia has traditionally missed out on. Bin im Garten

Russia’s great at invention, but stinks at innovation

Russia’s economy is highly dependent on the price of oil, as are a few other countries, such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. Russia differs from those other countries, however, in having a very strong scientific…
To Tolkien, the machine represents a means to attain power over others. His orcs – deformed and ugly creatures, whose hands are sometimes replaced with weapons – embody this lust for power. LOTR Wikia

Tolkien and the machine

My grandfather was a carpenter, and I don’t think he ever developed much of a sense of trust in machines. I remember him laboring away at our home one summer, transforming our screened-in porch into a…
“Mr Page? Mr Brin? Phone call for you.” “Not now, we’re busy innovating.” ZouZou/Shutterstock

Silicon Valley tech giants: real innovators or spoilt rich kids?

According to TechRepublic, Google produced two of the five worst tech products of 2009 – Android 1.0 and Google Wave. The fact that Google remains dominant suggests that, while not infallible, it’s rich…
Too much to ask. wavebreakmedia/shutterstock

Was egg-freezing a perk too far from Facebook and Apple?

Facebook and Apple have come under fire since it was revealed that their female employees are offered financial help for egg-freezing fertility treatment. But the offer is part of a slew of medical and…
Britney Spears preforms live … Why are the pundits so incensed by her turning to Auto-Tune in the studio? STR/EPA

Auto-Tune, and why we shouldn’t be surprised Britney can’t sing

Put Britney Spears into a YouTube search and the third auto-fill on the list is “Britney Spears without Autotune”. Auto-Tune has become the music industry equivalent of doping in the Tour de France circa…

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