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Articles on Wellbeing

Displaying 281 - 300 of 343 articles

The Yawuru Wellbeing Survey highlights the integral role of connectedness in Yawuru having mabu liyan as the key to a good life. John Puertollano, used with permission

Community wellbeing best measured from the ground up: a Yawuru example

How we think about wellbeing depends on where we come from, who we are and our experiences and aspirations. One study took account of this by involving Yawuru people in every aspect of the research.
Good access to people, services and other essential ingredients of wellbeing is a defining feature of liveable communities. flickr/US Department of Agriculture

How do we create liveable cities? First, we must work out the key ingredients

Communities that rate highly for liveability share certain essential features. We can identify and build these key ingredients into our cities to create thriving places where people want to live.

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