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Articles on Wildlife

Displaying 1 - 20 of 656 articles

Black-crowned night herons perch on rocks in the Los Angeles River in Los Angeles. Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Cities contain pockets of nature – our study shows which species are most tolerant of urbanization

Even in a concrete jungle like Los Angeles, wild species show up in surprising places. New research identifies the types of wildlife that best tolerate urban development.
Sunday Abiodun, 40, a former poacher turned forest ranger, armed with a sword, looks for poachers inside the Omo Forest Reserve in Nigeria, 2023. Abiodun is now part of a team working to protect the Omo Forest Reserve, which is facing expanding deforestation from excessive logging, uncontrolled farming and poaching. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)

Protecting wildlife begins with understanding how best to counter wildlife crimes

Interventions to prevent crime against wildlife can be effective, but significant gaps in our knowledge remain.
Wetlands at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge in Maryland shows signs of ‘pitting,’ where areas of cordgrass have converted to open water. Will Parson/Chesapeake Bay Program via Wikimedia

Coastal wetlands can’t keep pace with sea-level rise, and infrastructure is leaving them nowhere to go

A coastal scientist explains why marshes, mangroves and other wetlands can’t keep up with the effects of climate change, and how human infrastructure is making it harder for them to survive.

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