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Articles on Britain

Displaying 141 - 160 of 179 articles

Not all eyes are on the prize: Eurovision is often as much about undeclared alliances, voting blocs and political paybacks. Andres Putting (EBU)/Eurovision

Glitz meets politics: an Australian viewer’s guide to Eurovision voting

For the first time, Australians can vote for this year’s Eurovision winner. But it’s as much a political battlefield as a song contest – so hopefully the Russians have forgotten the “shirtfront”.
A simpler time. Martin Lev plays Dandy Dan in Bugsy Malone with ammunition at the ready. Films Trustee Corp/David Appleby

How organised crime in the UK has evolved beyond the mafia model

Gangs of career criminals in Britain look very different to the stories told by Scorcese or Coppola. They are fluid, multi-cultural and recent research sheds new light on how they use the dirty money.
H is for heft. Matt Buck

What’s gone wrong at HSBC?

As HSBC suffers under the scorching spotlight of public scrutiny once more, it is fair to ask why the banking group so often finds itself at the heart of the action.
Forward planning is difficult when you don’t know how long you’ll be around for. Iakov Filimonov/shutterstock

The government’s new pension service has one fatal flaw

The UK government has launched its new Pension Wise service. The website is designed to help people understand their new pension freedoms that start from April this year. But it has a gaping hole at its…
Fill your boots. Fruit and veg of the unprocessed variety. Garry Knight

Food fight: is business trying to game the five-a-day system?

We are on the brink of an important change in how we are encouraged to think about our diet. Britain’s health authorities are considering whether to allow processed or “composite foods” to carry the official…
More racket in your pay packet. John Garghan

The simple win-win case for higher wages in Britain

Two things stand out about the economic recovery in Britain. One is the sluggish growth in real wages. The other is the sluggish growth in productivity. That the two phenomena have coincided is no accident…
Ready for the hard sell? Hannah McKay/PA Wire

Autumn Statement: the experts respond

The chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, has delivered the financial package he hopes will convince voters to deliver a Conservative majority in May 2015. Here, our team of academic experts responds…

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