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Articles on Climate science

Displaying 141 - 160 of 248 articles

In 2013, pro-science supporters rallied before a Texas Board of Education public hearing on proposed new science textbooks. AP Photo/Eric Gay

30 years after Edwards v. Aguillard: Why creationism lingers in public schools

Thirty years after the Supreme Court ruled that creationism cannot be required in schools, ‘creation science’ is still taught in some schools. What are the implications for climate education?
Nobody can observe events in the future so to study climate change, scientists build detailed models and use powerful supercomputers to simulate conditions, such as the global water vapor levels seen here, and to understand how rising greenhouse gas levels will change Earth’s systems. NCAR/UCAR

Yes, we can do ‘sound’ climate science even though it’s projecting the future

People worry Washington is losing respect for science and even the centuries-old scientific method. Two climate scientists explain how science can be done when talking about the future.
NASA has a long history of conducting climate science. Here, a NASA camera captures a storm over South Australia. NASA

Trump or NASA – who’s really politicising climate science?

One of Donald Trump’s senior advisers has recommended cutting NASA climate research because the science has become “heavily politicised”. The question is: by whom?

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