The legal action means thousands of songs may be deemed in violation of copyright. This would establish a precedent for future copyright claims based on popular rhythms.
Irwin’s legal team threatened to sue Pauline Hanson’s party for defamation, but no legal proceedings have been initiated. Australia’s patchy laws in this area likely put a stop to it.
With the click of a button, you can now generate songs in any topic and genre you want. But it’s not clear-cut whether you own the music, despite what the app terms say.
‘Uncanny’ AI music generators blur the line between creators and consumers. Will they turn music from high art to an everyday language? Listen to these AI-generated tracks and judge for yourself.
The earliest versions of Mickey and Minnie Mouse entered the public domain in the United States at the start of this year, 95 years since they were introduced to the public.
Establishing the facts – and disentangling fact from legend – is not always straightforward when it comes to biography. Frank Moorhouse’s biographer unpacks his process.
Alexandra Sims, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau and Trish O'Sullivan, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University
Manufacturers have too much legal freedom to sell products that don’t last or are hard to repair. It’s time local law caught up with global efforts to address this environmental and consumer issue.
Traditionally seen as an American holiday, more Australians are preparing to celebrate Halloween. Here’s what we know about costumes, cosplay and copyright, just in time for the spooky season.
Authors are furious about finding their works on pirated dataset Books3. Copyright is the usual avenue for redress, but while AI moves at speed, the law is slow – and not designed to combat AI issues.
AI can streamline the painstaking work of mixing and editing tracks. But it’s also easy to see how AI-generated music will make more money for giant streaming services at the expense of artists.