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Articles on Democracy

Displaying 641 - 660 of 1354 articles

Lebanese protesters formed a 105-mile human chain connecting geographically and religiously diverse cities across the country, Oct. 27. 2019. AP Photo/Bilal Hussein

Lebanon uprising unites people across faiths, defying deep sectarian divides

Lebanon’s 1989 peace deal ended a civil war by sharing political power between religious factions. That created a society profoundly divided by religion – something today’s protesters hope to change.
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy listens during a meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in New York on September 25. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Trump has upended the long history of US investment in Ukraine’s democracy

Multiple American presidents have viewed US support of Ukraine’s security and democracy as critical to the national interest. President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine are a major divergence.
Is the voting booth a stumbling block? AP Photo/John Minchillo

Voting could be the problem with democracy

Randomly selecting citizens to take turns governing offers the promise of reinvigorating struggling democracies, making them more responsive to citizen needs and preferences.
Thousands of students staged protests across the country against proposed changes to the criminal code and a new law that weakened the country’s anti-corruption commission. EPA/Dedi Sinuhaji

A requiem for Reformasi as Joko Widodo unravels Indonesia’s democratic legacy

Indonesia passes a regressive anti-democratic law – with more to come – just as BJ Habibie dies, the president who championed the dramatic reform process that transformed Indonesia after 1998.
Unsurprisingly, Australian politicians are happier than their constituents with the way our democracy works. Shutterstock

Revealed: how Australian politicians would bridge the trust divide

New research shows parliamentarians believe the key to improving trust between them and their constituents is in improving links to the community and better educating the public about our democracy.
Kurdish fighters in Syria say the U.S. is abandoning its allies and potentially empowering the Islamic State by withdrawing from northeastern Syria and allowing a Turkish assault, Oct. 7, 2019. AP Photo

Turkish attack on Syria endangers a remarkable democratic experiment by the Kurds

Since defending northern Syria from the Islamic State, Kurdish people have established an egalitarian society where women are equal, democracy is direct and religious freedom is guaranteed.
Young people are balancing several responsibilities - they’re school-goers, job seekers or employees, caregivers, friends and community members.  Shutterstock

Young South Africans upbeat despite broken promises and poor odds

Although cynical about today’s political leaders, the views of young South Africans are surprisingly similar to those of the mid-1990s.
Nurses in November 2016 expressed support for a ballot proposition to limit what California state agencies pay for prescription drugs. AP/Nick Ut, file

Expanding direct democracy won’t make Americans feel better about politics

Citizens voting directly on policy seems like a good idea. But that led to the Brexit mess in the UK. In the US, two scholars say direct democracy deepens distrust of politics and government.
Answering constituents in congressional offices often involves tabulating comments in a database. Office of Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont. via AP

How Congress turns citizens’ voices into data points

Advancements in computer technology are changing how Congress handles citizen communication, which affects how elected officials represent their constituents.

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