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Articles on Economics

Displaying 221 - 240 of 667 articles

Perot become a household name after making an independent run for president in 1992. AP Photo/Doug Mills

The ‘giant sucking sound’ of NAFTA: Ross Perot was ridiculed as alarmist in 1992 but his warning turned out to be prescient

As the US prepares to replace NAFTA, a labor scholar who was critical of Perot but shared concerns about the deal revisits the claim that helped him become the most successful third-party candidate since Teddy Roosevelt.
Just another American abroad. AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko

No, Americans shouldn’t fear traveling abroad

If headlines about bombings and airplane crashes are making you rethink your international travel plans this summer, a look at how many Americans actually die abroad should set your mind at ease.
Legislative action regarding vehicle emissions is overdue, and needs urgent attention by the federal government. Shutterstock

Australians could have saved over $1 billion in fuel if car emissions standards were introduced 3 years ago

This shocking figure comes from our back-of-the-envelope calculations looking at the effect of forcing more efficient engines on the Australian market.

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