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Articles on Extremism

Displaying 201 - 207 of 207 articles

Women march on Abuja demanding the rescue of 200 schoolgirls. Deji Yake/EPA

Teaching under siege in Nigeria gripped by fear of Boko Haram

The world is waking up to Boko Haram. More than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped from the classes last month remain missing. A car bomb in Abuja on May 1 killed at least 19 people. I live in fear of Boko Haram…
Devastation at Binta Suga market, in Maidiguri, northern Nigeria in March. EPA/Deji Yake

Boko Haram – the terror group that kidnapped 200 schoolgirls

As terrorist attacks go, it was as shocking for its scale and its choice of target: on April 14, at least 200 people were kidnapped from the Government Girls Secondary School in the Nigerian town of Chibok…
Ukrainian far-right protesters commemorate the creation of the Ukrainian division of the SS in Lviv in 2011. EPA/Markiian Lyseiko

Far-right party jeopardises Ukraine’s path to democracy

Following days of protest and the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s new interim government was announced on 26 February 2014. This is not an ordinary government. Politicians linked to the…
The rise of homegrown terrorism and foreign fighters in conflicts such as the Syrian civil war has prompted governments to consider various policy responses to combat such threats. EPA/Stringer

Too much too young? Teaching children about violent extremism

Dealing with the rise of homegrown terrorism has prompted governments to take novel approaches in combating such threats. The UK government, for example, has recently pushed for schools to teach children…
Roma evacuees from a Hungarian village near a far-right training camp. Bela Szandelszky/AP

Persecution of Roma in Hungary is spiralling out of control

Since the accession of Central European countries to the European Union (EU), threats to their Roma communities have escalated dangerously. This is evident in anti-Roma rallies, random violent attacks…
I’ve always thought that Miliband was a bit extreme … Anthony Devlin/PA

Blocking extremist sites is not the same as fighting child porn

Fresh from its success calling on search engines to block access to child porn, the UK government is turning its attention to terrorism. Ministers are poised to call on internet service providers to block…

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