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Articles on Genetics

Displaying 601 - 620 of 663 articles

Psychologists have debated whether our interests are a result of nature or nurture for more than 100 years. pbkwee/Flickr

Nature v nurture: score one all

So, you’ve got your father’s blonde hair and you were raised in a cricket-mad household and you like cricket. But is it your genes or your childhood that’s responsible for your love of cricket or your…
The hands of a 36-year-old sufferer of familial digital arthropathy brachydactyly, a form of inherited osteoarthritis. Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

Arthritis gene breakthrough could lead to new drugs

Australian researchers have pinpointed a gene that helps cause osteoarthritis, paving the way for new drugs that may one day improve or even prevent the painful condition. Osteoarthritis commonly affects…

Breast cancer risk viewed differently

Women with a strong family history of breast cancer, but no genetic link, are not consistent in how they perceive their risk…
Drugs that switch off the ‘master gene’ that controls Type 2 diabetes could be five years away. Flickr/ThomasThomas

Could a drug reverse Type 2 diabetes?

Australian researchers have isolated a ‘master gene’ that controls Type 2 diabetes and say drugs that prevent or reverse the condition by switching off the gene may be as little as five years away. Type…
So what’s it to be, buddy, my cave or yours? Kaptain Kobold

Sex with our evolutionary cousins? What’s not to love?

We humans had sex with Neandertals; we bonked the relatives of Neandertals; we got down and dirty with members of an as-yet unrecognised African population; and we, of course, got jiggy with each other…
Francis Galton pioneered the concept of eugenics in this lab in London in the late 19th century. Flickr/Science Museum London

Eugenics in Australia: The secret of Melbourne’s elite

Eugenics — the science of improving the race —was a powerful influence on the development of Western civilisation in the first half of the twentieth century. And Melbourne’s elite were among its chief…
Knowing of a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia could help a person avoid environmental risk factors that aggravate it. Flickr/notsogoodphotography

Study reveals genetic secrets behind schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

One of the world’s largest schizophrenia studies ever has pinpointed five new genetic blips linked to the condition, paving the way for new drugs and management strategies, researchers said. Schizophrenia…
TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³/Flickr. TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³/Flickr

Is a gene mutation causing younger breast cancer cases?

Women who carry genes that predispose them to getting cancer at a young age may be passing the gene onto the next generation and causing cancers to develop at ever younger ages, a new study has found…
GM is not being used to make fishbread Frankenfoods. Dave Lifson/Flickr

Top five myths about genetic modification

The Conversation asked CSIRO scientist, Richard Richards, to look at the top five myths about genetic modification (GM), and correct the public record. Myth one: GM is just haphazard, imprecise cross-breeding…
Identifying the gene that regulates chronic pain, such as back pain, could lead to new treatments. Flickr/Andreanna Moya Photography

Chronic pain gene identified

British researchers say they have identified the gene that controls chronic pain, opening the door to new drug therapies that block the chemical processes that cause chronic back pain, headaches or arthritis…

Even plants get stressed

Plant and computer scientists have discovered the genes plants use to manage environmental stresses. Called “cis-regulatory…

Genetic basis of thinness

Researchers have found the genetic cause for extreme thinness, finding that people with extra copies of certain genes are…
The man behind the mask. Ned Kelly’s skeleton can finally be laid to rest. the euskadi 11

Ned Kelly remains are positively identified … but how was it done?

The remains of iconic bushranger Ned Kelly have been positively identified by forensic scientists more than a century after his hanging in 1880. The identification was made after an exhaustive forensic…
Despite attacks, CSIRO isn’t giving up on genetic research. AAP

CSIRO: GM essential for health and food security

Just as medical researchers work to unlock the role our human genes play in disease, CSIRO investigates how plant genes can be used to boost the health benefits of food, increase crop yields and prevent…

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