Corporate medicine is hijacking feminist narratives around empowerment and women’s rights to market technologies, tests and treatments that aren’t backed by evidence.
From snake-like creatures with claws to jealous virgin ghosts, female monsters have long been a part of women’s lore. Such figures were Intimately tied to childbirth, sexuality and child mortality.
The ‘egg timer’ blood test is marketed as an empowering way to give women insights to help them plan when to have children. Problem is, it can’t deliver what it promises.
Violet Kieu, The University of Melbourne and Kate Stern, The University of Melbourne
Both cancer and cancer treatment can impact someone’s ability to have biological children. It’s important to discuss fertility right after cancer diagnosis.
A pending bill in Colorado would disclose donor information to children and their parents and set limits on how many families can use a single individual’s egg or sperm.
People living with endometriosis wait an average of 7.5 years for a diagnosis. Social science researchers are working to identify ways to help reduce this timeline.
Professor - Emerging Technologies (Stem Cells) at The University of Melbourne and Group Leader - Stem Cell Ethics & Policy at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, The University of Melbourne