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Articles on Labour Party

Displaying 441 - 460 of 515 articles

The Labour leader defied expectations with a little sass. Stefan Rousseau/PA

Debate success for Miliband? Yes, but not quite hell yes

Given that his personal ratings have been so low, and behind those of the Labour party in general, the only way was up for Ed Miliband in his first major TV appearance of the election campaign. The Conservatives…
Vote Ed, get an interesting new fashion accessory. Conservative Party

Tories hope attack ads will put the election in their pocket

The news today that Ed Milband has ruled out forming a coalition with the SNP may come too late to limit the impact of the latest Tory attempt to illustrate that the Labour leader is a political lightweight…
Poll results worth drinking to. Steve Parsons/PA Wire

As election campaign kicks off, UKIP is setting the agenda

At the launch of Labour’s election campaign in Manchester, Ed Miliband accused the prime minister, David Cameron, of playing “risky and irresponsible games” with the EU. Exit, he argued, would be a “dramatic…
This is my doorbell finger. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

Ed Miliband bets on movement politics to win Labour the election

Ed Miliband’s promise to hold four million doorstep chats with voters during this year’s electoral campaign was met with derision by some commentators. The Guardian mockingly calculated that the Labour…
4 million houses is how many chocolate Hob Nobs? Peter Byrne/PA Wire

When Miliband comes a-knocking, will anyone be home?

Ed Miliband has kicked off the 2015 election campaign with a new strategy. He’ll be shunning glossy advertising to meet people at their doors. But it’s already clear that he will have to fight to be heard…
Say it loud, say it clear. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Labour has fumbled immigration – but there may be a way out

Ed Miliband has admitted that Labour is “on a journey” when it comes to immigration. He has promised that his party “will never again turn our backs on people who are worried about immigration” but also…
Have walkies policies won over the canine community? Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

Bye bye swivel eyes: how UKIP transformed to woo the masses

As UKIP makes parliamentary gains at every turn, it no longer seems possible to dismiss the party as a group of anti-EU obsessives that has little in common with mainstream politics. The days of the swivel-eyed…

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