Duncan McVicar is Professor of Economics at Queen's University Belfast, having previously worked at the University of Melbourne and the Northern Ireland Economic Research Centre.
His research interests include: program evaluation and welfare reform; disability, unemployment and inactivity; education, peer effects and substance use; and sequence analysis of labour market data.
He has published widely in economics and social science, including in Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Australian Economic Review, Contemporary Social Science, Economica, Economic & Social Review, Fiscal Studies, Industrial Relations, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, Journal of Economic Surveys, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, Labour Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics; Oxford Economic Papers, Regional Studies, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Social Science & Medicine, and Sociological Methods & Research.
He is currently working on peer effects in education, VET reform, the links between homelessness and substance use, and disability benefits, among other things.