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Articles on Online teaching

Displaying 1 - 20 of 25 articles


Beyond Zoom, Teams and video lectures — what do university students really want from online learning?

Research is now showing what works — and what doesn’t — for students forced online by the pandemic. Better course design should be the next step.

In a world of digital bystanders the challenge is for all of us to design engaging online education

A learner’s digital education experience can be very different from the seamless user-friendly world of the social internet. Replicating the old classes online isn’t good enough. A rethink is needed.
More people are learning what they want, wherever they want. Wes Mountain, The Conversation

The three things universities must do to survive disruption

Technology has disrupted the way universities offer courses, the types of skills we will need, and the duration for which we will need them. Here are three things universities must do to survive.
The Khan academy is trying to bring education to the world, but how? Online learning image from

Yes, we Khan: pioneering education for anyone, anywhere

From preschool to PhD, education is afflicted by a malaise. Many students, teachers, parents and politicians, feel that with all the effort and money spent, we should be doing better. Salman Khan, founder…
Online education might not cut it for students who want quality learning and more access to staff. Student image from

What students want and how universities are getting it wrong

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: We continue our series on the rise of online and blended learning and how free online courses are set to transform the higher education sector. Today, Victoria University’s…
Online education may mean more stress and workload for academics, not less. Stressed academic image from

Online education at the coalface: what academics need to know

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: We continue our series on the rise of online and blended learning and how free online courses are set to transform the higher education sector. Today, ANU’s Rod Lamberts and…
Australian humanities subjects need to get on board with MOOCs and develop Australian voices in online learning. World image from

Deadset? MOOCs and Australian education in a globalised world

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: We continue our series on the rise of online and blended learning and how free online courses are set to transform the higher education sector. Today Ruth Morgan looks at the…
Some people could be left behind in the digital revolution in higher education. Divide image from

Online education: can we bridge the digital divide?

FUTURE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: We continue our series on the rise of online and blended learning and how free online courses are set to transform the higher education sector. Today, Tim Pitman writes on who…

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