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Articles on Productivity Commission

Displaying 81 - 100 of 155 articles

The latest snapshot of Australian health funding reveals who’s footing the bill, among other worrying health statistics. from

Sobering health stats in latest Productivity Commission report

The latest Productivity Commission health report reveals some serious problems with out-of-pocket health expenses as well as disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous health.
With 700,000 vulnerable Australians depending on public housing, any proposal to change its status is likely to set off alarm bells. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Productivity Commission stance has potential for social housing gains

The report’s stated goal is to make the social housing system work better. It does not present as a manifesto for an entirely marketised and deregulated framework driven by the profit motive.
Protesters were back on the streets demanding penalty rates be left alone when the Coalition government asked the Productivity Commission to look at workplace relations last year. AAP/Angus Livingston

The penalty rates time-bomb is ticking

Cutting penalty rates can be a vote-changer and the looming Fair Work Commission decision is tricky for both sides of politics. So what cards do the parties hold and how might they play them?
Not all data are the same. Image sourced from

Data access inquiry casts the net far too wide

The Productivity Commission’s inquiry into access and use of public and private data risks failing to achieve anything meaningful.
Australia has isolated sustainable development projects, like Adelaide’s Bowden precinct that got Princes Charles’ attention in 2015, but lacks an overarching commitment to sustainability. AAP

Times demand a Sustainable Development Commission to replace the Productivity Commission

The challenges we face demand profound changes in our thinking and priorities. Replacing the Productivity Commission with a National Sustainability Commission would help us make this paradigm shift.
The Productivity Commission last year recommended that Sunday penalty rates should be brought in line with those applying to Saturday. Evan Schwarten/AAP

Penalty rate cut will hurt economy without helping business: Labor

The federal opposition says that reducing penalty rates in the retail and hospitality sectors would widen the gender pay gap across the economy and hit consumption.

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