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Articles on Productivity

Displaying 1 - 20 of 256 articles

Journalists are using generative AI for tasks such as composing drafts and writing newsletters. Olena Koliesnik/iStock via Getty Images

Newsrooms are experimenting with generative AI, warts and all

AI may shore up an industry experiencing economic headwinds. But in a field where professional ethics and public trust are particularly important, it’s a risky endeavor.
Malgré l'essor des possibilités de télétravail, deux-tiers des employés à temps plein dans le monde ont travaillé cinq jours par semaine sur place en 2023. Shutterstock

How hybrid work is reinventing management

The appetite for remote working is not going anywhere. Faced with this phenomenon, managers can either double down on the old 9-to-5 model or offer ever tailored work choices to their employees.
Jacobs Stock Photography/Getty Images

NZ’s workplace rules will change again with each new government – unless we do this

Bringing together worker, business, and government representatives helped set clearer rules for everyone on public holidays. We need to try that same approach to lift NZ’s poor productivity.
Current research suggests it’s time to re-evaluate existing pay structures and prioritize worker health and safety. (Shutterstock)

Beyond the paycheck: The key to building a thriving workplace goes beyond salaries

Traditional pay structures — like wage gaps, pay-for-performance systems, the belief that time equals money and pay secrecy — are stopping organizations from reaching their goals and thriving.

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