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Public health – Analysis and Comment

Understakers have had to take special precautions following a spike in COVID-19 related burials. EFE-EPA/Kim Ludbrook

Why human rights should guide responses to the global pandemic

While restrictions on civil and political liberties may be necessary to protect lives, human rights law requires that they go no further than what’s strictly necessary to achieve this goal.
Research technician Leon McFarlane handles a blood sample from a volunteer in the laboratory at Imperial College in London, where a COVID-19 vaccine is under development, on July 30, 2020. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

Canada’s ‘me first’ COVID-19 vaccine strategy may come at the cost of global health

With $1 billion in advance purchase agreements for COVID-19 vaccines, Canada has joined the vaccine nationalists: rich countries buying up more than half the global short-term supply of vaccine.
Production limits mean that not everyone can get access to a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it’s developed.. GIPhotoStock/Cultura via Getty Images

Video: Who should get a COVID-19 vaccine first?

A bioethicist explains a recent report that recommends how to distribute a COVID-19 vaccine equitably.
Many women in South Africa still don’t have access to safe toilets. Frédéric Soltan/Corbis via Getty Images

Why access to decent toilets could help reduce sexual violence in South Africa

Studies globally have made the link between the lack of adequate sanitation, particularly open defecation or shared community toilet facilities, and the increased risk of women and girls being raped.