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Articles on RandD

Displaying 841 - 860 of 3020 articles

New technologies can bolster the production of important crops to feed billions of people. Shutterstock

South Africa should rethink regulations on genetically modified plants

A regulatory approach will place an unnecessary burden on bio-innovators. This will discourage local investment for in-house R&D, as well as projects in the public sector.
The large public health apparatus assembled to fight Ebola created more problems. Alexis Huguet/AFP via Getty Images

Lessons from the DRC’s 10th Ebola epidemic: the people may know best

International epidemic management involves ceding to foreign experts who possess, at best, a surface-level understanding of a very complex region.
As the pandemic winds down, continual surveillance of wild animals is vital to ensure that it doesn’t switch to another sphere of life. Kamil Martinovsky/ shutterstock

COVID infection of three lions and a puma in private South African zoo points to need for wider surveillance

A growing body of research shows that COVID-19 protocols should be extended to areas in which there is a human-animal interface such as zoos, wildlife sanctuaries and game farms.
Southern Africa’s summer rainfall regions currently experiencing the wet-season will likely continue having wetter than normal conditions. SimpleImages/Getty Images

Southern Africa’s summer has been wetter than normal: here’s why

Southern Africa’s current above-average rainfall is a climate variability signal - a short-term fluctuation in average wet-season conditions.

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