I use demand-side and behavioural economics to understand and solve public health problems. Most of my work is at the interface of health economics and infectious disease modelling.
I am currently working on:
1) research to understand the role of behaviours in the COVID-19 pandemic in low and middle income settings, and the impact of COVID-19 on health and economic equity;
2) TB modelling studies estimating the impact, cost-effectiveness, and equity impact of TB vaccines and digital adherence technologies;
3) the IDEAS project in Ethiopia evaluating the impact of a maternal and child health quality improvement programme on health worker motivation;
4) a project understanding determinants of risky sexual behaviour among bumsters in The Gambia
My Google scholar page is here: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=CYg0iJ0AAAAJ&hl=en
I am involved in discrete choice experiment projects in South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sri Lanka, and the UK.
I previously held a joint appointment as a visiting researcher at Wits RHI, Johannesburg.
I presented at the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods Festival 2015 on "What are... discrete choice experiments?" - this 13min talk can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm2wJflXG7E. .