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Articles on Rwanda

Displaying 221 - 240 of 261 articles

Former Chadian leader Hissene Habre being escorted in to stand trial at the Palais de Justice in Dakar, Senegal in 2015. He was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison in 2016 by judges of the Extraordinary African Chambers for crimes against humanity, rape, sexual slavery. EPA/Stringer

Beyond the ICC crisis: is there an alternative path for Africa?

There are fears that the withdrawal of countries from the ICC would mark the end of international criminal justice in Africa. This need not be the case.
A policewoman carries a Burundi flag during a protest against President Nkurunziza’s decision to run for a third term. Reuters/Goran Tomasevic

Burundi and Rwanda: a rivalry that lies at the heart of Great Lakes crises

The competition between the two authoritarian regimes has become a fact that, given the regional context, is here to last. It justifies repression and indefinitely postpones democratic expression.
Supporters of Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters hold a mock coffin of the governing ANC during an election rally in 2014. Reuters/Skyler Reid

South Africa’s politicians must guard against killer narratives

Unscrupulous politicians are adept at using regressive story lines that feed insecurities. That could be dangerous ahead of South Africa’s hotly-contested municipal elections.
Some countries in Africa are well placed to follow the path of development pioneered by a number of Asian countries. Shutterstock

What’s needed to take Africa from Third to First World in 25 years

It’s important to interrogate the key factors that pushed countries from Third World to First World status in the 20th century. Asia’s experiences hold many lessons for Africa.
The key to Rwanda’s agricultural success is good partnership between nongovernmental organisations, the private sector and the government. Sam Thompson/DFID Rwanda

Food for thought from the land of a thousand hills

Despite numerous challenges, Rwanda has made significant agricultural strides.
In the 1990s Paul Kagame of Rwanda, along with Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, were considered the democratic darlings of Africa. Reuters/Hereward Holland

How Africa’s 1990s ‘poster boys’ use security fears to roll back democracy

Africa’s democratic promise of the 1990s has lost its shine. Hopes for accountable rule have faded in Uganda, Ethiopia and Rwanda. All have blocked the path to meaningful popular empowerment.
Investment in science and innovation is needed to help build Africa. Kate Holt/Africa Practice/Flickr

How Africa can close its continent-wide science funding gap

Successful economies are led by innovation and driven by knowledge. For Africa to advance, it needs to make more substantial investments in its research and development sector.
Rwanda’s experience shows that the ‘Green Revolution’ is not as transformative as it is made out to be. Supplied

Why the ‘Green Revolution’ is making farmers poorer in Rwanda

The modernisation of agriculture has been touted by economists and the IMF as a way of reducing poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. But caution about the benefits of the Green Revolution is advisable.

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