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Articles on Sustainability

Displaying 481 - 500 of 711 articles

You shouldn’t have to crank up the aircon. chanus/

Why bad housing design pumps up power prices for everyone

Power-hungry houses that rely on air conditioning to make up for their bad design mean that the electricity grid has to cope with summer demand peaks – and everybody pays.
Google last week announced that it is on target to power its operations 100 percent by renewable energy, an example of businesses trying to change the energy system. Pixabay

Trump, carbon neutrality and the next phase of business sustainability

With a Trump administration hostile to action on climate change, businesses need to go beyond just complying with environmental regulations and take on the whole system.
Quito lights up for Habitat III. Alexei Trundle

Habitat III is over, but will its New Urban Agenda transform the world’s cities?

Nation states, UN bodies and civil society gathered in Quito for Habitat III to adopt the New Urban Agenda. So how will the UN’s new global urban roadmap transform our cities over the next 20 years?

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