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Articles on United States

Displaying 661 - 680 of 963 articles

German stock market after US election, November 9, 2016. Frank Rumpenhorst/EPA

Trump: where we might end up

As candidate, Trump promised protectionist trade policies and denigrated international agreements. Now, as president of the United States, how far can he go?
German stock market after US election, November 9, 2016. Frank Rumpenhorst/EPA

Trump: how we got here

The fall of the Berlin wall was supposed to usher in ‘the end of history’, an eternal age of capitalist economics and liberal-democratic politics. It hasn’t turned out that way.
Waiting area in Lagos, Nigeria. Maersk Line/Flickr

How late is late?

Britons, Nigerians, Americans and Brasilians don’t see time in the same way. These differences are explained by the history and constraints of each country.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt gestures as he answers a question during a news conference in Oklahoma City, Thursday, June 13, 2013. AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki

Can legal activist Scott Pruitt undo clean air and water protections as head of EPA?

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has sued the federal government repeatedly. If he becomes head of EPA and tries to weaken environmental laws, opponents are likely to do the same to him.
A billboard of US president-elect Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Danilovgrad, Montenegro. Reuters/Stevo Vasiljevic

Beware of misleaders who thrive on fear and capitalise on crises

The world needs great leaders who thrive on making a positive difference to people’s lives and not on festering fear and war mongering.
Clockwise, from left: White nationalist William Pierce, domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh, white nationalist Richard Spencer, British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, professor Kevin MacDonald, and Breitbart News founder Andrew Breitbart. Nick Lehr/The Conversation

The seeds of the alt-right, America’s emergent right-wing populist movement

An academic who has studied the American far right explores whether the alt-right can become a sustained political force.
The United States and Australia should abandon the TPP and focus their efforts on trade deals that take a prudent approach to market access. Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters

Why Trump is right, and wrong, about killing off the TPP

The United States and other countries are right to reject the TPP, but President-elect Donald Trump’s claims about it are misguided.

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