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Articles on US elections

Displaying 181 - 200 of 206 articles

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gestures to supporters as he departs a Sept. 13 campaign rally in Clive, Iowa. Mike Segar/Reuters

The rise of a conspiracy candidate

The same forces that drive belief in conspiracy theories are the ones driving the rise of Donald Trump. So it’s no wonder that, less than two months until the election, he continues to dabble in and promote them.
Seeking a peaceful handover of power between parties and political opponents. Jim Young/Reuters

Election legitimacy at risk, even without a November cyberattack

It’s true that sophisticated hackers may be able to tilt the presidential election. But the more likely threat to democracy comes from sore losers who sow doubt about voting integrity.
Is everything on the up-and-up here? Rick Wilking/Reuters

How vulnerable to hacking is the US election cyber infrastructure?

With the DNC email leak and Trump calling on Russia to hack Clinton’s emails, concern about foreign meddling in the 2016 presidential election process is rising. Is e-voting the next cyber battleground?
A protester outside the Republican convention in Cleveland. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart

What anti-Trump activists can learn from Chicago ‘68

RNC protests in Cleveland have been peaceful, but are they effective? A historian explains what happened at the DNC in 1968 and why activists may want to reconsider their tactics.
Michael Vadon and Gage/Skidmore

Are ‘extremist’ candidates electable?

Political science has held that being moderate gets a candidate votes in the presidential election. So how then do Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump fit in?
Donald Trump speaks at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. REUTERS/Randall Hill. REUTERS/Randall Hill

Demagogues in history: Why Trump emphasizes emotion over facts

Insults are tossed about in an election year but the word “demagogue” has a particular bite. But what is a demagogue and how do the 2016 candidates compare with demagogues in history?

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