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Articles on Cambridge Analytica

Displaying 21 - 40 of 90 articles

Using data during election campaigns is nothing new. But as the Canadian federal election approaches, authorities must be diligent that data tracking doesn’t become surveillance. (Shutterstock)

Data-driven elections and the key questions about voter surveillance

Data analytics have played a role in elections for years. But today’s massive voter relationship management platforms use digital campaigning practices to take it to another level.
The increasing use of sensors in smart homes adds to an ever expanding amount of user data that can be collected and commodified. Shutterstock

Explainer: what is surveillance capitalism and how does it shape our economy?

Companies scrutinise our online likes, dislikes, searches and purchases to produce data that can be used commercially. And it’s often done without us understanding the full extent of the surveillance.
Senators during the Senate Select Intelligence Committee’s hearing on the social media influence in the 2016 U.S. elections in Washington November 2017. The graphic shows conflict at a rally that was created and promoted by fake Facebook accounts run by Russian trolls. Shawn Thew/EPA

Friday essay: networked hatred - new technology and the rise of the right

In the face of digital disruption that threatens the very fabric of democratic culture we must refashion Enlightenment oppositions for new times.
The EU’s data protection measures aspire to force companies to be more transparent around data collection. from

Should online users be bound by their privacy agreements?

The European Union has enacted a systematic plan to give people more control over their personal data online. But despite these efforts, privacy agreements remain largely unreadable.
Statistics on Australian Facebook users show no decrease in numbers since the Cambridge Analytica scandal first received public attention. AAP/LUONG THAI LINH

Why are Australians still using Facebook?

Some Australian Facebook users are more worried about over-sharing by friends than the privacy and security of their personal information.
Under pressure, young entrepreneurs would tend to forget to take into account the effects of their ambitions on their surroundings. Just dance/Shutterstock

Start-up nation’: a symptom, but of what?

The enthusiasm for business creation is not without negative consequences, especially for the many who fail. However, the “all entrepreneurs” discourse remains predominant.
Personal data… isn’t so private after all.

I am not the sum of my personal data

Paradoxically, it is only when I disappear into the digital crowd that my personal data becomes interesting for digital merchants.

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