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Articles on Christianity

Displaying 261 - 280 of 482 articles

A portrait from 1868 of abolitionist Harriet Tubman. AP Photo/Sait Serkan Gurbuz

Faith made Harriet Tubman fearless as she rescued slaves

Among Tubman’s most daring feats was helping slaves escape. She believed she went into trances and had visions. These, to her, were God’s way of guiding her, which made her quite fearless.
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg leads supporters on a march to the Democratic Party’s Liberty and Justice Celebration event in Des Moines, Iowa on Nov. 1, 2019. AP Photo/Nati Harnik

How Pete Buttigieg is reviving the pragmatic, progressive ideals of the Social Gospel movement

Pete Buttigieg has said that Christianity teaches ‘skepticism of the wealthy and the powerful and the established.’ These ideals are similar to those espoused by a Midwestern Social Gospel movement.
The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils says the bill doesn’t go far enough to protect religious minorities in an increasingly intolerant society. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

The biggest hurdle for the Coalition’s religious discrimination bill: how to define ‘religion’

Many scholars agree it is impossible to have a clear, universal definition of religion. Given this ambiguity, passing new laws using a specific concept of religion can have serious repercussions.
A procession of Christian girls, venerating the Cross, in the village of Qanat Bekish, Lebanon. AP Photo/Hussein Malla

The history of the cross and its many meanings over the centuries

Sept. 14 is the the Feast of the Holy Cross celebrated by many Catholics and some other Christians. A religion scholar revisits the history of the cross, how it became a symbol of divine love, but also of violence.
The Australian Christian Lobby galvanised Folau’s Christian supporters by setting up a fund-raising website that earned more than A$1 million in its first day. Jan Touzeau/AAP

Why Christians disagree over the Israel Folau saga

For many people of faith, the very identity of Christianity is at stake in the battle over religious freedom. But not all Christians see it that way.
Muslim clerics and members of the Pakistani Christian minority light candles to commemorate the victims of this week’s bomb blasts in Sri Lanka. Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks. Rahat Dar/AAP

Friday essay: how Western attitudes towards Islam have changed

For centuries, Westerners viewed Islam as an inherently violent religion. But the struggle today, for all religions, including Christianity, is between liberals and conservatives, fundamentalists and moderates, reason and revelation.

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