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Articles on Earthquakes

Displaying 101 - 120 of 281 articles

Located on the Ring of Fire, Indonesia is prone to natural disasters, particularly earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. YT Haryono/Reuters

Why political will is important to reduce risks of disaster

What is political will or political commitment to disaster risk reduction? Why is it important to measure political commitment? And how to measure it?
Domestic migrants work at a construction site in Dhading, Nepal. February 2020. (Sara Shneiderman)

Learning from disasters: Nepal copes with coronavirus pandemic 5 years after earthquake

Nepal’s past dealing with multiple disasters, including the aftermath of its civil war and the massive earthquake of 2015 may have helped the country prepare for the current COVID-19 crisis.
Punta Ventana, a popular tourist attraction near Guayanilla, Puerto Rico, before and after the Jan. 6 earthquake. AFP/Getty/Wikipedia

Puerto Rico earthquakes imperil island’s indigenous heritage

Puerto Rico was once home to about 110,000 Taínos, an indigenous people decimated by the Spanish conquest. Their ancient homeland was located in the area hit hard by recent earthquakes.
The Immaculate Conception Catholic Church lies in ruins after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Guayanilla, Puerto Rico, Jan. 7, 2020. AP Photo/Carlos Giusti

Earthquake forecast for Puerto Rico: Dozens more large aftershocks are likely

Puerto Rico’s January earthquakes came after many foreshocks and have been followed by numerous aftershocks. Scientists are studying these sequences to improve earthquake forecasting.
Typhoon Faxai left many people without power and other services for several days when it hit the greater Tokyo region in September. NASA/Worldview

Typhoons and other disasters force Japan to rethink its city vs rural living plans for the future

Talk of moving people out of Japan’s cities into rural areas is changing after the recent cyclone hit near Tokyo. Smarter, more connected cities may be a safer way to go.
How many lakes are in Alaska? Thermokarst lakes on Alaska’s North Slope are self-similar and fractal. Painting by Cherissa Dukelow

Mathematics of scale: Big, small and everything in between

What do earthquakes, wealthy Italian families and your circulatory system have in common? Scientists use fractals, self-similarity and power laws to translate from local to global scales.
Residents takes pictures near the ruins of a house at Betobo village in Palu, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, October 11 2018. Hotli Simanjuntak/EPA

Why do people in Indonesia still live in disaster-prone areas?

Earthquakes and tsunami in Indonesia this year did not only leave a deep sorrow. It made us rethink the relationship between humans, technology and nature in Indonesia.

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