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Articles on European Union (EU)

Displaying 201 - 220 of 1414 articles

Finland and Sweden joined 14 NATO allies in a June 6, 2022, military exercise on the Baltic Sea. Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP via Getty Images

Finland’s and Sweden’s pursuit of NATO membership is the exact opposite of what Putin wanted for Russian neighbors

Sandwiched between Russia and NATO ally Norway, both Sweden and Finland have maintained neutrality in global conflicts. That changed in February 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine.
Speaking in Strasbourg on 9 May, Emmanuel Macron called on the “democratic European nations adhering to our core values” to “find a new area of political cooperation, security and cooperation”. Ludovic Marin/AFP

Debate: What ‘European political community’ do we need now?

Inspired by François Mitterrand’s idea of a European confederation, French president Emmanuel Macron has outlined the idea of a political body that would be separate from the EU.
A boat carrying migrants was stranded off the coast of Morocco before it was rescued by a Spanish ship in September 2018. Marco Moreno/AFP via Getty Images

A court case against migrant activists in Italy offers a reminder – not all refugees are welcome in Europe

Italian aid workers charged with helping migrants travel through the country were acquitted in May 2022. But migrants are often not well received in Europe, despite a welcome of Ukrainian refugees.

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