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Articles on Evolution

Displaying 301 - 320 of 1003 articles

Sabre-tooth tiger Smilodon meets the South American marsupial, Thylacosmilus. This is a classic image of supposedly ‘superior northerners’ outcompeting ‘inferior southerners’, but such meetings actually rarely happened as many of the southern species had already gone extinct. 'The rise of Smilodon', Hodari Nundu

South America is filled with mammals of North American origin but not vice versa – and scientists have figured out why

Why were mammals travelling south through newly-formed Panama so much more successful than those heading north?

Curious Kids: how did the first person evolve?

The oldest known skeleton of our species Homo sapiens is about 300,000 years old. But there was a time when humans didn’t exist at all and the world was covered in nothing but slime.
Christian fundamentalists like Ken Ham, CEO of the evangelical group that owns the Creation Museum, believe dinosaurs were among the animals rescued on Noah’s Ark. Jeff Haynes/AFP via Getty Images

At the evangelical Creation Museum, dinosaurs lived alongside humans and the world is 6,000 years old

A Kentucky museum tells the history of the universe according to the Bible in an effort to debunk evolution. Its owner, the Christian group Answers in Genesis, promotes right-wing political causes.

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