Robin Kramer
Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology, University of Lincoln
Alex Jones
Lecturer in Psychology, Swansea University
Andrew J Logan
Lecturer in Optometry, University of Bradford
Lisa A Williams
Associate Professor, School of Psychology, UNSW Sydney
Vanessa LoBue
Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University - Newark
Gael Gordon
Senior Lecturer, Vision Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University
Kevin Brooks
Associate Professor in Human Visual Perception, Macquarie University
Owen Churches
Postdoctoral Fellow in Psychology, Flinders University
Kay Ritchie
Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, University of Lincoln
Jessica Gabel Cino
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law, Georgia State University
Andrew Clark
Lecturer in Psychology, Brunel University London
R. Shayna Rosenbaum
Professor and York Research Chair, Psychology, York University, Canada
Michaela Porubanova
Assistant Professor of Cognitive Psychology, Farmingdale State College
Stewart Guthrie
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Fordham University
Nigel Holt
Professor of Psychology, Aberystwyth University