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Articles on International Monetary Fund

Displaying 21 - 40 of 57 articles

South Africa’s finance minister Tito Mboweni says the IMF loan will limit the country’s economic vulnerabilities which have been exacerbated by COVID-19. Gallo Images/Brenton Geach

The IMF’s $4bn loan for South Africa: the pros, cons and potential pitfalls

The IMF loan does not impose any conditions over and above what is in South African law on how the funds can be used; it only seems to expect the country to implement policies already announced.
Argentina is just one of a handful of crisis-stricken nations asking the International Monetary Fund for help. David Fernandez/EPA

The world’s economic crisis-fighting mechanisms are dangerously inadequate

Some US$4.6 trillion has been made available to stave off financial crises across the world. The problem is that much of this funding is now spoken for, and the list of stricken nations is growing.
President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana addresses the United Nations General Assembly, at U.N. headquarters in September 2017. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Lessons from religious groups for a ‘Ghana beyond aid’

Ghanaians respond positively to financial appeals from churches compared to how they respond to paying taxes. Here’s how, and why, Ghana’s government should learn from religious groups.
South African Reserve Bank Governor, Lesetja Kganyago, is expected to push the agenda of developing countries inside the IMF. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Top job for South African gives African countries sway at the IMF

The governor of South Africa’s Reserve Bank has been appointed to chair an important IMF committee. Countries in sub-Saharan Africa stand to benefit.
Venezuela urgently needs financial assistance, but the regime of Nicolás Maduro has few international allies. AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan

Nobody is going to bail out Venezuela

China, Russia and the International Monetary Fund are among those contemplating a Venezuela bailout. But help for this debt-stricken nation seems far from assured.
Two men sit at the roadside in the hope of being offered work. South Africa’s unemployment is moving towards 30%. EPA/NIC BOTHMA

Why South Africa shouldn’t turn to the IMF for help

The idea that South Africa must look towards the International Monetary Fund to rescue itself from the prevailing crisis must be dismissed.

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