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Articles on Philanthropy and nonprofits

Displaying 421 - 440 of 485 articles

Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, front, after she signed a law that allows pay-for-success funding for projects aiming to reduce female incarceration rates. AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki

Social impact bonds, explained

These partnerships between investors, governments and nonprofits are a new way to pay for programs and services that help people in need and address intractable problems like mass incarceration.
Members of the tea party movement seen rallying outside the Capitol in 2013. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The real IRS scandal has more to do with budget cuts than bias

The tax agency, as it happens, singled out both conservative and liberal groups seeking tax-exempt status for extra scrutiny. But the myth that it picked on the tea party movement hasn’t gone away.
Betsy DeVos, shaking hands at a school choice rally shortly before she became education secretary in 2017. AP Photo/Maria Danilova

DeVos and the limits of the education reform movement

The cycle of overpromising and disappointment has left donors, politicians and policymakers of all stripes looking to improve K-12 public schooling with an underwhelming track record.
The former president, seen here with the highest paid basketball coach in the NCAA, was known for getting into March Madness. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

What is March Madness – and the nonprofit that manages the mayhem?

Every March, millions of Americans watch the NCAA’s annual college basketball tournament, while millions more fill in brackets to win their office pool.

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