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Articles on Ukraine

Displaying 1101 - 1120 of 1269 articles

A war footing for business? DVIDSHUB

Planning for war: a guide for businesses

__The turmoil of 2014 was a timely reminder to businesses that they need to be prepared and have contingency plans for global conflict. The crisis in Ukraine brought Russia and the West to the brink of…
The Hryvna: a vulnerable currency Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters

Forecast for Ukraine: stormy with rays of sunshine

A year after the Maidan revolution of 2014, Ukraine is at a critical juncture. The conflict with Russia has been escalating. Estimates of casualties exceed 5,000, with some reports putting the number at…
Here we go again? Ukrainian servicemen in training. EPA/Sergey Dolzhenko

Despite ceasefire, Ukraine could be going the way of Yugoslavia

A fragile ceasefire deal is just about holding in Ukraine, but hopes for its long-term success are not high. It is clear that the war for eastern Ukraine is far from over. And most ominously of all, it…
The funeral of a serviceman in Independence Square, Kiev. EPA/Sergey Dolzhenko

New Ukraine peace deal met with shelling and suspicion

The Ukraine ceasefire agreement struck in Minsk will come as a relief to the increasingly desperate residents who live along the front lines in the Ukrainian Donbas. But even though the document was signed…
It’s a deal. EPA/Tatyana Zenkovich

Ukraine ceasefire announced at Minsk summit – what next?

After all night talks in the Belarusian capital Minsk, the outcomes of the four party talks in the so-called Normandy format (Ukraine, Russia, France, and Germany) have neither brought a major breakthrough…
When once Moscow and Beijing had much in common, now they may be diverging again. Toa55

Russia’s borders: Chinese sympathy for Moscow will only stretch so far

This week our series on Russia’s relations with its neighbours reaches China, Moscow’s one-time great communist rival with whom it found much in common in the opening years of the 21st century. Neil Munro…
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande are in Kiev to discuss a peace plan. EPA/Roman Pilipey

Why peace in Ukraine won’t save the Russian economy

Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande’s push for peace in Moscow has helped fuel optimism about the prospects for Russia’s spluttering economy. On the morning of the meeting, the rouble had strengthened…
A protest in front of the Ministry of Defence in Kiev. EPA/Roman Pilipey

West beats the drum for war while Russia plays games in Ukraine

In recent weeks, eastern Ukraine’s Russian-backed rebels have won several military victories on the battlefield in the Ukrainian Donbas. First they captured the virtually destroyed Donetsk airport, then…
Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) leader, Alexander Zakharchenko. EPA/Alexander Ermochenko

Ukraine sliding towards all-out war despite mediation efforts

Over the past few days, Ukraine has taken a significant turn for the worse. Fighting between rebels and government forces has intensified, the civilian death toll has increased, and the war of words between…
A harbinger of things to come? VP Joe BIden up close and personal with Brazil’s President Rousseff Ricardo Moraes/Reuters

Around the world in 2015: the big stories predicted

The New Year always provides an opportunity for both introspection and speculation. So it seems a good time to consider what the big stories are likely to be this year. Some of the five major stories I…
Commemorating the dead of the revolution. Radu Sigheti/Reuters

Romania’s revolution: 25 years on

25 years after the beginning of the Romanian Revolution. I am standing in the University Plaza in Bucharest. My memory is channeling echoes of gun shots and student resistance; the smell of perspiration…
The first casualty of the Russian rouble crisis. Hint: it’s not Bruce Willis.

Bank bailouts begin as Russia faces biggest challenge to date

The dramatic slide in the value of the rouble has claimed its first banking casualty. Trust Bank is being bailed out by the Russian Central Bank to the tune of US$530m. The emergency liquidity line is…
EPA/Sergei Chirikov

Putting the boot in Putin

Sanctions work. Russia’s problems may be manifold and closely related to the precipitous decline in the price of oil, but sanctions have played an important part in bringing Russia to its economic knees…
What doll would you choose? Brandt Luke Zorn

Putin, oil, the ruble and the Russian doll

This week we have witnessed a plunge in the price of oil and the astonishing demise of the ruble. These events provide the basis for a great series of conspiracy theories, the type that readily find an…
Ukraine is running on empty. EPA/Filip Singer

Can Ukraine’s new technocratic elite make the economy work?

Ten years ago, it was received wisdom in western academic, business and policy circles that Ukraine was an archetypal “captured state” – a state owned and run almost entirely by a small, insecure and fabulously…

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