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Articles on United Nations

Displaying 561 - 580 of 850 articles

By agencies working together, we can prevent female genital mutilation, which new research confirms is happening in Australia. from

Female genital mutilation is hurting Australian girls and we must work together to stamp it out

Female genital mutilation is largely hidden in Australia and other high-income countries. But the United Nations says it is a global concern – and our research found it does affect girls here.
German stock market after US election, November 9, 2016. Frank Rumpenhorst/EPA

Trump: how we got here

The fall of the Berlin wall was supposed to usher in ‘the end of history’, an eternal age of capitalist economics and liberal-democratic politics. It hasn’t turned out that way.
Accessible “green space” in cities is one of the things we will start measuring. Shutterstock

How and why we are moving beyond GDP as a measure of human progress

For a long time the way we measure what is going on in our economy and society has distorted our actions. We’re now building a more holistic way of measuring progress.
Neither of these distinguished gentlemen appears to be a Latin American woman. Lucas Jackson/Reuters

From Latin America, a 2017 wishlist for the United Nations

Latin America, which saw its two female candidates for UN Secretary General snubbed, will greet Antonio Guterres with open arms – and a list of demands.
People carry photos of soldiers who died during the attack on Pearl Harbor. AP Photo/Andres Kudacki

How the attack on Pearl Harbor shaped America’s role in the world

The Japanese attack on a US naval base on Dec. 7, 1941 set in motion a series of events that transformed the United States into a global superpower. Will Donald Trump bring that era to an end?
French President François Hollande was among those who warned Donald Trump not to withdraw from the Paris climate deal. EPA/Mohamed Messara

Marrakech climate talks produced defiance towards Trump, but little else

The latest climate summit began the long slog towards putting the Paris Agreement into action. But it generated more questions than answers, particularly on how to handle a Trump-led United States.
More than 70 years after the Hiroshima bombing, a majority of countries are pushing for a legally-binding treaty against nuclear weapons. Tim Wright/ICAN/Flickr

As the world pushes for a ban on nuclear weapons, Australia votes to stay on the wrong side of history

In early December, the nations of the world are poised to take an historic step on nuclear weapons. Yet Australia sticks out like a sore thumb among Asia-Pacific nations in arguing against change.

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