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Articles on Wages

Displaying 181 - 200 of 216 articles

People finishing tertiary education can now expect to take 4.7 years on average to find full-time work. Reuters/Jose Manuel Ribeiro

Frozen wages, insecure jobs, struggling youth, rising inequality, shrinking unions … join the dots

Young people’s transition to work is prolonged and highly precarious. An entry-level job becomes a career, savings become subsistence, weekend shifts become lifelines. It doesn’t have to be this way.
South African Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago is the third since the bank adopted a more transparent way of operating. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Clearing up the mystique of central banking

The South African Reserve Bank is a fine example of clear communication of the decision whether to hold, increase, or decrease interest rates. It also gives clear signals of future decisions.
Despite increases in education attainment, the educated youth in sub-Saharan Africa find that there are no jobs suited to their levels of education. Reuters/Afolabi Sotunde

When better education doesn’t lead to a better job

School enrolment rates in sub-Saharan Africa have increased markedly in recent years, but it is failing its newly educated young by not creating jobs commensurate with their education.
Where’s the evidence on performance-related pay for teachers? Monkey Business Images/

Can a 2% pay rise motivate top teachers?

Attracting high-performing graduates into the profession might work better than performance-related pay.
A little employee love goes a long way. Southwest Airlines shows how a company can be rewarded for valuing its workers. Reuters

US must invest in its workers and roads to sustain job gains

The economy is creating the most jobs in 15 years, but only a substantial investment in our crumbling infrastructure and underpaid workforce will ensure they last.
Partied too hard? Julian Smith/AAP

Australia must prepare for the mother of all hangovers

You know Australia’s in trouble when the Reserve Bank cuts interest rates. Last week, the central bank did precisely that, in belated recognition of the income recession that has struck. Gross domestic…
More racket in your pay packet. John Garghan

The simple win-win case for higher wages in Britain

Two things stand out about the economic recovery in Britain. One is the sluggish growth in real wages. The other is the sluggish growth in productivity. That the two phenomena have coincided is no accident…
Not out of business yet. 1000 Words/shutterstock

When it comes to jobs, it’s quality not quantity that matters

David Cameron has announced his aspiration for the UK to become a nation of “full employment”, promising that Britain will have the highest employment rate of any major world economy. This is not the first…
How many Osbornes does it take to change an economic outlook? Anthony Devlin/PA Wire

If the economy is in good shape, why do wages keep falling?

An opinion poll taken in the wake of George Osborne’s Autumn statement reveals that just 27% of people think the British economy is in good shape. This was a decline compared to a survey taken just three…

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