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Articles on Whistleblowers

Displaying 21 - 40 of 80 articles

Witness K’s lawyer Bernard Collaery addresses outside the Supreme Court. Australia’s laws have shown they don’t do much to protect whistleblowers acting in the public interest. Lukas Coch/AAP

From Richard Boyle and Witness K to media raids: it’s time whistleblowers had better protection

Australian laws make it inevitable for whistleblowers to be charged whenever national security might be involved, even when the information is in the public interest.
The government has approved a parliamentary inquiry into press freedom – a step the major media organisations have dismissed as unnecessary. Bianca De Marchi/AAP

Parliamentary press freedom inquiry: letting the fox guard the henhouse

A parliamentary inquiry into press freedom is merely a public relations exercise designed to buy time until the public anger over last month’s police raids dies down.

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