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Articles sur Climate

Affichage de 181 à 200 de 330 articles

Ashurbanipal, last major ruler of the Assyrian Empire, couldn’t outrun the effects of climate change. British Museum

Climate change fueled the rise and demise of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, superpower of the ancient world

What caused the rise and then collapse 2,600 years ago of this vast empire centered on Mesopotamia? Clues from a cave in northern Iraq point to abrupt climate change.
The Portal uses individual stories of meditative transformation to suggest a bigger change is possible. Supplied

The Portal review: can meditation change the world?

A new film contends that meditation can transform us from individuals in chaos to calm beings - and in turn change the world.
A scientist checks cracks in the Arctic sea ice after a storm (April 2015, N-ICE2015 expedition). Amelie Meyer/NPI

Winter storms are speeding up the loss of Arctic sea ice

Warm summers aren’t the only threat to Arctic ice – increasingly intense winter storms are also weakening and reducing ice cover.
Sunrise at Beachmere, Queensland. Mark Wasser/Flickr

A shot of hope in the face of climate despair

We’ve spent years publishing smart, practical research on real climate solutions. Now it’s time to put it all into practice.
Newspaper editors once sorted through letters to decide which would be published in their newspaper. Our comments moderation policy is no different. Sun Alan Levine Public domain dpi

There’s a good reason we’re moderating climate change deniers: uninformed comments undermine expertise

Publishing the comments of climate change deniers would be journalistically irresponsible. That’s why we’re redoubling our efforts to weed out misinformation.
Green roofs, like this one in Sao Paulo, Brazil, have many benefits. Leonardo Ikeda/Shutterstock

How buildings in Johannesburg could benefit from green roofs

South Africa needs to develop low-cost housing solutions that are inherently comfortable and environmentally sustainable. Green roofs could be part of these solutions.
Emissions are seen from an oil refinery in Alberta. (Shutterstock)

Why Canada should lead global climate action

As a wealthy nation with global diplomatic and multilateral influence, Canada is among a small subset of nations uniquely positioned to act individually and collaboratively on climate change.
Some pitchers are convinced the balls are being messed with behind the scenes. Aspen Photo/

What’s really behind baseball’s home run surge?

Recent changes to the ball seem to be juicing hitters’ stats. But could other factors, like the climate and advanced analytics, also be playing a role?
Tourism, that quintessentially elitist pursuit, is now responsible for almost 8 percent of global CO₂ emissions. Blake Barlow/Unsplash

Inequality and climate change: the rich must step up

In the face of climate change, the poorest are suffering from the excess emissions of CO₂ linked to the lifestyle of the richest. It is time to act, in the name of climate and social justice.
The Darling River near Louth NSW, April 2019, in the midst of a drought compounded by upstream irrigation policies. Jaana Dielenberg

As the dust of the election settles, Australia’s wildlife still needs a pathway for recovery

In the event, the federal election turned out to be more about the economy than the environment. But there are steps the Coalition government can take to help conservation and boost the economy too.

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