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Articles sur Donald Trump

Affichage de 961 à 980 de 3469 articles

Senator Joe Biden at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., announcing a new crime bill in 2007. Win McNamee/Getty Images/AFP

Fact check US: Is Joe Biden really ‘lax on security’?

Donald Trump claims to the the law-and-order candidate and accuses his rival of being “lax on security”. Joe Biden’s legislative record proves such accusations to be false.
‘Portrait of a Woman of the Hofer Family,’ Swabian artist, c. 1470, and a picture showing a fly on U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence during the Oct. 7 debate at University of Utah in Salt Lake City. (Wikimedia Commons/AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Mike Pence’s fly: From Renaissance portraits to Salvador Dalí, artists used flies to make a point about appearances

Flies have long held symbolic meaning in the history of art. In portraits made in Renaissance Europe, the presence of a fly symbolizes the transience of human life.
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, hugging another guest, along with Kellyanne Conway (left) and Notre Dame University President Rev. John Jenkins (right) tested positive for COVID-19. The Washington Post via Getty Images

Being outdoors doesn’t mean you’re safe from COVID-19 – a White House event showed what not to do

The outdoors is less risky than an enclosed room, but it isn’t a COVID-19-free zone. Here’s what you need to know.
Demonstrators in Zimbabwe chant slogans and wave flags during a rally to denounce EU and US sanctions against the country on October 25, 2019. Jekesai Njikizana/AFP

Under what conditions are international sanctions effective?

Countries or international organizations regularly enact sanctions against individual states. But how can the effectiveness of these measures be evaluated?
Donald Trump’s helicopter landing at the White House, Oct. 5, as he returns from being hospitalized at Walter Reed. Liu Jie/Xinhua via Getty Images

‘What goes around comes around,’ or what Greek mythology says about Donald Trump

A classics scholar and poet turns to Greek mythology, especially the story of Oedipus the King, to explain the drama – or perhaps tragedy – that is taking place in the highest office in the land.
White House physician Sean Conley gives an update on the patient-in-chief on Oct. 3. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

VIP patients can be a headache for their doctors

When a celebrity, politician or other influential person checks in, a health care team can feel pressured to give in to a VIP’s wishes.
President Donald Trump may have removed his mask, but the uncertainty posed by his positive COVID-19 test continues. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Allies and foes watch as Trump fights the coronavirus

What might be the global geopolitical significance of Trump’s positive COVID-19 test?
The first debate of the U.S. presidential election was a disturbing but unsurprising display of white privileged masculinity. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Trump-Biden debate: A locker room brawl in the midst of COVID-19 crisis

Bullying tactics are increasingly under scrutiny, yet the display we saw during the first U.S. presidential debate is proof that some men still think those old rules are still at play.
Something about our current moment seems to have put a particular strain on our personal relationships. Alex Edelman/AFP via Getty Images

Why friendships are falling apart over politics

A recent Pew survey showed just how deep the divide has become, with about 40% of registered voters saying that they didn’t have a single close friend supporting a different presidential candidate.
With the American flag reflected in the teleprompter, President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at Duluth International Airport on Sept. 30, 2020, in Duluth, Minn. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Why Donald Trump’s words work, and what to do about it

Because dramatic tension fuels attention, Trump’s words work to generate tension, anxiety and conflict. We need to react with civility, care and calm to undo the cycle of attention and persuasion.

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