Research Professor, Masculinities Studies, School of Education, University of Calgary
As a masculinities scholar in education my research has primarily focused on the intersection of adolescent boys, men and the counter heteronormative practices in the day to day experiences in and outside of school. My research examines: men as change agents; male bodies and the culture of sport as a context to resist heterosexism and homophobia; boys, literacies, and homophobia; the social interactions of boys/men and the performativity and expressions of masculinities; adolescent boys and body image issues, sex education and a discourse of present/absent masculinities, masculinized spaces and the negotiation of masculinities among men in locker rooms and in school; and qualitative research processes for gaining access to the narratives of masculinities. This research has been largely funded through Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) as well as a being generously funded currently as a Research Professor in Masculinities Studies with the supported of the Silver Gummy Foundation
Werklund Research Professor, Masculinities Studies, University of Calgary
Associate professor, University of Western Ontario
“Getting naked”: Exploring how athletes attempt to challenge homophobia in sport, Pedagogia Della Differenze
‘Isn’t that a girl problem?’: Boys, bodies, and the discourse of denial. , Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
“It’s nice to be appreciated”: Understanding men’s engagements with sexting and practices of sending Dick Pics to women"., Sexualities
Kehler, M. with U. Chaudhry (2018) Body building or building bodies: Improving male body image through Health and Physical Education. , What works?:Research Into Practice,
Kehler, M & J. Cassidy A literacy landscape unresolved: Beyond the boy crisis and into superhero fiction. , Boyhood Studies: An interdisciplinary journal, 10(2) pp. 37-59.
Kehler, M., & M. Atkinson The space between: Boys, bodies and negotiating research subjectivities in physical education. , International Journal of Men’s Health, 14(3), pp. 276-289.
Kehler, M. & M. Atkinson, (Eds) , Boys’ Bodies: Speaking the unspoken. Peter Lang.
Martino, W., M. Kehler, & M. Weaver-Hightower, (Eds), The problem with boys’ education: beyond the backlash.