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Articles sur Saskatchewan

Affichage de 41 à 57 de 57 articles

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and Chrystia Freeland meet in Edmonton after she was named deputy prime minister and minister of intergovernmental affairs. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Amber Bracken

Chrystia Freeland will have to navigate misogyny in her new roles

If successful, Chrystia Freeland could help bolster national unity and Canada’s relationships with the U.S. and Mexico. But relentless sexist attacks against her could derail progress.
The global water crisis means scientists face urgent decisions on how to foster water managers’ care. Here, the North Saskatchewan River with the Rocky Mountains, Banff National Park. (Shutterstock)

Water-sharing experiment suggests people put their own survival first

Imagining how to increase water managers’ empathy for others in a holistic way is critical for our human and planetary future.
Yellow vest protesters espouse far-right ideologies including opposing immigration. Anti-immigrant attitudes like these threaten economic growth in Saskatchewan. Here a Twitter snap from a yellow vest protest in Saskatoon against the UN GCM and Carbon Tax on Dec. 8, 2018.

Far-right yellow vest extremists threaten Saskatchewan’s economy

Far-right yellow vest extremists in Saskatchewan could jeopardize Saskatchewan’s efforts to grow and attract immigrants.
Carbon taxes on fossil fuels such as gasoline help lower greenhouse gas emissions. (Shutterstock)

Here’s what the carbon tax means for you

Environmental taxes encourage consumers to conserve energy or switch to less carbon-intensive fuels.
A case against Sylvia McAdam for ‘trespassing’ on ancestral lands in a provincial park was dismissed. McAdam

Law professor put on trial for ‘trespassing’ on family’s ancestral lands

A co-founder of Idle No More was put on trial for ‘trespassing’ on her family’s ancestral lands. Canada has much to learn about institutionalizing respectful relationships with Indigenous peoples.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks about the federal government’s newly imposed carbon tax at an event in Toronto in October 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Rethinking Canada’s climate policy from the ground up

Canada’s top-down approach to designing its climate policy has failed. It needs to find ways to engage with individuals.
Far more than eating green vegetables and going to the gym more often, living and working conditions have a big impact on health. Saskatchewan’s new NDP leader is determined to see it reflected in public policy. (Shutterstock)

Governments know work and living conditions can kill us – it’s time to act

It’s not all about eating leafy green vegetables and working out: Living and working conditions have a profound impact on our health. So why are politicians avoiding taking action?
Colten Boushie’s uncle, Alvin Baptiste, and his brother Jace Boushie address demonstrators gathered outside of the courthouse in North Battleford, Sask.,on Feb.10, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Matt Smith

‘Clearing the plains’ continues with the acquittal of Gerald Stanley

It’s time for an overhaul of the justice system in Canada: How juries are selected, how Indigenous victims are treated and to challenge embedded racism within police forces and courts.

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