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Articles on Refugees

Displaying 661 - 680 of 1216 articles

Migrants from Myanmar at the gate of an immigration detention center in Medan on 5 April 2013. Relevant government officials in Indonesia acknowledge that immigration detention facilities should not be used for housing refugees and asylum seekers. But finding alternatives to detention to accommodate asylum seekers has been difficult. Reuters/Roni Bintang

Indonesian cities and regencies may be asked to shelter refugees – will they comply?

A new decree states that local administrations may be asked to provide shelter for asylum seekers and refugees. In reality, this may be rather challenging.
Somalian refugee Mohamoud Saed stands in his friend’s clothing shop he helps out with in Clarkston, Georgia. AP Photo/David Goldman

With better data, we can help set refugees up for success

Instead of focusing only on crime, the government can help set refugees up for success by collecting data on what’s working and what’s not in the integration process.
Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera inspects a guard of honor in Ivory Coast. Legnan Koula/EPA

For the Central African Republic there will be no peace without justice

Since civil war broke out in the Central African Republic four years ago, citizens continue to live in fear. They say that peace will only come when the war criminals are brought to justice.
The decision reveals the striking breadth of the government’s power to deal with asylum seekers and refugees in ways that directly contravene international law. AAP/Eoin Blackwell

High Court challenge to offshore immigration detention power fails

The Australian government had and has the power to do things necessary to establish and maintain its immigration detention facility on Manus Island, despite detention violating PNG law.
Malcolm Turnbull was undesirably fulsome in declaring he’d be ‘there again and again’, especially given the nature of this president. AAP/Kym Smith

Turnbull’s promise to Trump: ‘You can count on me’

We’ve known for months the content and tenor of that explosive January phone call between Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull about the refugee deal, but the leak of the transcript to The Washington Post…
George Dreyfus, centre, holding a bassoon and Walter Wurzburger, far left, holding a clarinet. JC Williamson production 1949

Loss, trials, and compassion: the music of Australia’s Jewish refugees

In the late 1930s, Australia sought to restrict the flow of refugees, ruling that musicians were ‘unsuitable’ as migrants. Yet some talented Jewish musicians did arrive here and their work has enriched our cultural life.

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