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Articles on Refugees

Displaying 941 - 960 of 1216 articles

Gareth Evans, foreign minister in the Hawke government, brought an ambitious vision for Australia’s international diplomacy to cabinet. AAP

Cabinet papers 1990-91: the new world order that fizzled

There is little of Gareth Evans’ sweeping analysis in the cabinet papers of 1990-91 of a rapidly changing world order or of his vision of good international citizenship.
Treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder requires conditions better than refugees in Germany are experiencing. Reuterspics

Refugees’ suffering can’t be eased in their current conditions

The experience and situation of many of the refugees precludes successful treatment of PTSD due to the nature of the disorder and what it requires to ease.
Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has flagged concerns about how the extra 12,000 refugees chosen for resettlement in Australia will be picked. AAP Image/Paul Miller

FactCheck: how are the 12,000 extra refugees coming to Australia chosen?

When asked about a plan to resettle an extra 12,000 refugees in Australia, Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi said that the UNHCR determines who is going to be sent to Australia or not. Is that right?

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