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Articles on UK politics

Displaying 1521 - 1540 of 1675 articles

Young people are dissatisfied and disengaged, but they’re not the only ones. Dominic Harris/PA Wire/Press Association Images

After Greece, the UK is next in line for an electoral shake-up

We are becoming very familiar with repeated warnings that citizens in Britain are increasingly disillusioned with democratic politics, rejecting the institutions of national government, and leaving British…
Leanne Wood will lead Plaid Cymru into key electoral battles this year and next. Nick Ansell/PA Wire

Can Welsh nationalist party Plaid Cymru turn its fortunes around?

The nationalist agenda has sprung to the fore in UK politics over the past few years – largely due to Scotland’s referendum in 2014 putting independence firmly on the agenda. Both the Scottish National…
Looking sheepish: Churchill addresses the Tories after the 1945 loss. PA

How Winston Churchill lost the 1945 election

Winston Churchill is remembered as a highly successful politician, but his record at the ballot box was far more chequered than many might think. Churchill, in fact, failed to win a seat in five of the…
What happens when it doesn’t add up? EPA/Daniel Deme

How negotiations over a hung parliament might work in 2015

Britain is now in full general election countdown mode – and the polls indicate another hung parliament is the most likely outcome on May 7. Gus O’Donnell, the former cabinet secretary, recently reflected…
Say it loud, say it clear. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Labour has fumbled immigration – but there may be a way out

Ed Miliband has admitted that Labour is “on a journey” when it comes to immigration. He has promised that his party “will never again turn our backs on people who are worried about immigration” but also…
So there. Steel Wool

All this talk about balancing the budget is …

Remember the Maastricht criteria? No, I didn’t think so. Nor apparently do Britain’s political leaders, based on their manifestos for tackling the UK’s deficit. The Maastricht Criteria were the convergence…
They’re everywhere! Peter Byrne/PA Wire

UKIP isn’t the only party failing women

UKIP has not had a good week when it comes to women. Nigel Farage kicked things off by suggesting that mothers should think twice about breastfeeding in public, managing to offend a rather large proportion…
The Labor Party that Bill Shorten leads is much more professionalised in its MP make-up than its earlier incarnations. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Class warfare: would Shorten pass the test that Ed Miliband failed?

For British Labour leader Ed Miliband, defeat was yet again snatched from the jaws of victory. With the UK general election less than six months away, the recent Rochester and Strood by-election was a…
Andrew Mitchell, who probably said it. Lauren Hurley/PA Wire

With reputation in tatters, Mitchell loses ‘plebgate’ case

In his ruling on the libel claim brought to the high court by former Conservative whip Andrew Mitchell, Justice John Mitting has brought an end to one of the longest-running and least edifying disputes…
Brown was undoubtedly a big beast, but could have been so much more. 10 Downing Street

Gordon Brown: political giant and wasted talent at the same time

Gordon Brown will retire from the Commons viewed on the one hand as a giant of Scottish Labour who spent 13 years at the pinnacle of frontline UK politics as chancellor and prime minister: the son of the…
Employable, but lacking employment options. michaeljung/Shutterstock

The government must focus on employment, not employability

The number of professional and middle-class managerial jobs has shrunk, according to a new study by researchers at Oxford University. This is bad news for Britain’s graduates and represents a worrying…
Britain’s heroin habit isn’t what it was. Marcos Mesa, Sam Wordley via Shutterstock

Drug policy is working – why do we prefer to think otherwise?

On all sides, our politicians and commentators seem convinced Britain’s drug policy has been a failure. Party conference season saw Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg rehash his old refrain that we’ve…
Divided we fall: a Catalonian independence rally. Ivan McClellan via Wikimedia Commons

As anti-globalisation politics fail, nationalism sweeps the world

After decades of deepening globalisation and interconnection, movements championing national identity and power are sweeping the globe. Breakaway regions, independence referendums, and campaigns for stronger…

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