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Politics – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 2076 - 2100 of 2607 articles

Activists supporting the decriminalisation of sex work at the 21st International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa. International AIDS Society/Abhi Indrarajan

A sex worker’s view on South Africa’s latest plans to beat HIV

South Africa has launched a plan to tackle HIV, TB and sexually transmitted infections – but much depends on its implementation over the next five years.
A government of national unity has served South Africa well before. It should consider forming another after President Jacob Zuma leaves office. Shutterstock

South Africa will need a government of national healing after Zuma leaves

South Africa needs to start thinking about life after President Jacob Zuma. Given the damage that he’s done, serious thought should be given to forming a government of national unity.
Leaked information is the life blood of investigative journalists. But there are a few golden rules they should follow when reporting on it. Shutterstock

Ethical journalism: what to do - and not to do - with leaked emails

When given leaked information journalists should check the information, consider alternative explanations, consider the political context and allow the people implicated a proper chance to respond.
A woman votes in Zambia. Beyond multi-party systems and regular elections, many countries resemble very little of true democracies. GovernmentZA/Flickr

Democracy is looking sickly across southern Africa

Democracy is in a parlous state in many countries in southern Africa. Autocrats hold onto power, while electorates have little to choose from at the polls.
Protests over housing at, an informal settlement near Johannesburg. EPA/Cornell Tukiri

South Africa urgently needs to rethink its approach to housing

Recent events suggest that South Africa’s government may be resorting to short-term measures to pacify anger over lack of housing. But what’s needed is a major overhaul of the housing policy.