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Articles on Thomas Jefferson

Displaying 61 - 65 of 65 articles

Little Rock protest, 1959. Wikimedia/John T. Bledsoe

Uncovering the roots of racist ideas in America

Ignorant and hateful people are not behind the production of racist ideas, as Americans are taught so often during Black History Month.
Notions of the ‘right to know’ forced Hillary Clinton to defend her use of a private email account as secretary of state - a far cry from the days when citizens didn’t even know how their representatives voted. EPA/Andrew Gombert

The right to know vs the need for secrecy: the US experience

The idea of the right to know as the ‘lifeblood of democracy’ is a surprisingly modern development. And in an age when transparency is prized, privacy and secrecy can still be justified in many cases.
A new generation of wine drinkers. J. Olsen

Wine drinking in America today

What beverage has grown continuously in consumption for the past 20 years in America? Wine. According to the Wine Institute, in 1993 Americans only drank 1.74 gallons of wine per capita. In 2013 that figure…

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