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Todos os artigos de Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

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Why do forests fires rage every year in Indonesia? Some people benefit from the business of fire, enjoying profits and economic rents at the expense of environmental quality. EPA/Adi Weda

Playing with fire: the economics and network of fire and haze

Scientists and policymakers - aware of the extreme dry season of El Nino - have warned of fires in Indonesia months in advance. Why then, do fires continue to blaze and what is being done about it?
Prime Minister Najib Razak is at the centre of a scandal over investigations into the origins of US$700 million transferred into his bank account. Reuters/Olivia Harris

Malaysia in turmoil as PM focuses on survival

Najib Razak’s response to corruption allegations has been a crackdown on investigators and his critics on both sides of politics. Malaysians are left wondering where their nation is headed.
Australia and Singapore’s new comprehensive strategic partnership is not seen as harmful for neighbouring countries such as Indonesia. EPA/Wallace Woon

Australia-Singapore strategic partnership: the view from Indonesia

Australia and Singapore recently signed a comprehensive strategic partnership on the 50th anniversary of their relationship. How would the new partnership affect Indonesia?
Governments and international organisations should find an effective solution for the Rohingya refugee crisis. EPA/STR

Refugee crisis meeting should learn from Indochinese solution

Representatives meeting to discuss South-East Asia’s migrant crisis may learn from the previous refugee crisis that hit the region during the Indochina war.
A Filipino soldier patrols the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. The US is considering sending aircrafts and warships to patrol the disputed area, which is claimed by China and four other Southeast Asian countries. EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO / POOL

US patrol in South China Sea may stop China’s mischief in disputed waters

The US is considering naval patrols of disputed parts of the South China Sea in response to China’s creation of artificial islands. Other nations with claims may welcome a temporary US presence.
Rohingya refugees from Myanmar travelled in this fishing boat to Sumatra, Indonesia, with officials announcing some 2000 people were rounded up or rescued after arriving in Malaysia and Indonesia over the weekend. EPA

Pushed offshore, the ‘boat people’ crisis demands regional response

Australia may have ‘stopped the boats’ but the tragedy of people drowning at sea continues to our north and is getting worse. A regional solution to the refugee crisis is urgently needed.
Indonesia wants closer ties with China to boost investment in the domestic economy. Jason Lee/EPA

Indonesia forges stronger ties with China to boost economy

With his country’s economy in mind, Indonesian president Joko Widodo is reciprocating China’s invitation to build stronger relations. China has been actively inviting southeast Asia’s largest economy to…
Golden handshake. Abe and Xi meet on the sidelines of the APEC meeting on Beijing. Kim Kyung-Hoon/Pool/EPA

APEC summit shows how hard it is to define the Asian ‘region’

With considerable pomp and circumstance – and at considerable expense – it fell to China to host the annual APEC summit this year. If it lives long in the memory at all, the meeting will probably be remembered…
While many poor people in Indonesia and elsewhere lack clean water sources, research has challenged long-held assumptions about the best aid approach to this problem. Wikimedia Commons

Based on what evidence? Ensuring aid works in ASEAN and elsewhere

Despite cuts to future aid spending since the Abbott government assumed office, the level of aid to Southeast Asia remains largely unchanged. What is in doubt is the space and the mechanisms for research…
Australian resources are fueling Asia’s development, but the next challenge is to make that sustainable. EPA/Bagus Indahono

Can ASEAN become the global champion of sustainable growth?

If measured by political will and rhetoric, Australia’s relationship with Southeast Asia would undeniably be in fine shape. Prime ministers as diverse as Paul Keating, Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard have…
Foreign minister Julie Bishop has reportedly asked the Cambodian government if it would resettle some of the asylum seekers who arrive in Australia by boat. EPA/Mak Remissa

Why resettling asylum seekers in Cambodia is fraught with risk

Amid the ongoing bad news about Manus Island has come the revelation that the Australian government has approached Cambodia with a view to resettling some asylum seekers in the impoverished nation. So…
Thailand’s political crisis is spiralling into an intractable conflict. Wally Santana/AP

Thailand may be heading down a violent path of no return

After street clashes between groups of armed protesters on Saturday, many feared that Sunday’s election in Thailand would see an upsurge in violence. Anti-government protesters who opposed the vote had…
The protests in Thailand are the latest spasm in a long struggle. PA

Rooting out corruption will be key to stability in Thailand

There has been much coverage of Thailand’s protests, with stories of the Yellow Shirt (PAD) and Red Shirt (UDD) saga popping up around the globe. Yet there is a conspicuous lack of discussion about what…

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