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Todos os artigos de Bicycle racing

Exibindo 41 - 54 de 54 artigos

The Armstrong affair is a wake-up call for those who govern professional sport. oeflintham

The Lance Bomb has blown, but is doping really cheating?

Should Lance Armstrong lose his seven Tour de France titles for doping, as is being proposed by the US Anti-doping Agency (USADA)? It’s an issue that puts the UCI – the international cycling union – and…
Marianne Vos of the Netherlands takes gold in the London 2012 women’s road race. Ian Langsdon/EPA

Olympic cycling – why do men’s and women’s events differ?

You’ll have noticed the distances ridden by female and male elite cyclists differ in some Olympic events and are identical in others, which raises the obvious question: why? If we really wanted to simplify…
Machine learning techniques can help riders stand out from the rest of the field. AAP Image/Joe Castro

Riding smart: how AI gives Olympic track cyclists an edge

With track cycling events now underway at the London Olympics, athletes from around the world are pushing themselves to the limit to outperform their rivals and, hopefully, claim gold. Back here in Melbourne…
The Radioshack-Nissan-Trek rider has retired from this year’s Tour de France. Nicolas Bouvy/EPA

Frank Schleck, the Tour de France and doping: so what’s xipamide?

After the recent re-ignition of allegations against seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, many in professional cycling had hoped for a quiet year on the doping front. But, it seems, the Tour…
There’s more to conquering hills than dropping a few kilos. AAP image

Tour de France: the science of hill climbing

As the Tour de France enters its final week, riders have already negotiated some of the toughest climbs in Europe, and have some major climbs still to go. So what makes some of those riders successful…
When differences are measured in milliseconds, athletes will look for anything to get the edge. Joe Castro/ AAP

Britain vs Australia in Olympic cycling: is there a hometown advantage?

There is perhaps no greater sporting rivalry than that between Great Britain and Australia – it’s like the little brother trying to knock off his older sibling in any pursuit possible, simply for the glory…
Blood, sweat and tears goes into Le Tour, and the design of high-performance bike wheels. Guillaume Horcajuelo/EPA

Le Tour de France is set to roll, so what makes a perfect bike wheel?

And so, once again, some of the world’s top athletes are about to set forth on the highlight of the professional road racing calendar, Le Tour de France. Before a pedal has even turned, top riders have…
Shane Perkins is just one of the Australians going for gold at the world championships. AAP Image/David Crosling

Track Cycling World Championships – the making of modern sprinters

Today in Melbourne the 2012 UCI Track Cycling World Championships get underway. Results from the five-day competition will determine which riders represent the various national track cycling teams at the…
The velocipede created one of several cycling booms in Australia. Harpers Weekly (Dec 18, 1868)

Bigger than Cadel: Australia’s century-old love affair with cycling

CYCLING IN AUSTRALIA: Forget about the wild scenes of public adulation for Cadel Evans following his Tour de France triumph. Forget about the widespread admiration for champion cyclist Anna Meares following…
Climbing mountains is all about fighting gravity. Nicolas Bouvy/EPA

The science of elite cycling: Tour de France (stages 12 to 21)

This is the second in a two-part series about the science of Le Tour de France. Part one is here. After 1,916 kilometres of the 2011 Tour de France we’re starting to see some of the favourites make their…
With more than 3,000 kilometres to cover, technique is only part of the equation. Nicolas Bouvy/EPA

The science of elite cycling: Tour de France (stages 1 to 11)

This weekend, approximately 200 of the world’s best cyclists will begin competing in one of the most challenging sporting events in the world: Le Tour de France. Le Tour is widely regarded as the most…

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