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Todos os artigos de Blockchain

Exibindo 121 - 140 de 201 artigos

Wikipedia depends on the collaborative effort of volunteer writers to add information, bypassing trusted authorities. Shutterstock

What Wikipedia can teach us about blockchain technology

The technology behind blockchain remains a mystery to many, but the it shares many common features with the popular online encyclopedia with which most web users are very familiar.
Autonomous vehicles are information-rich platforms thanks to the range of sensors on board that track, monitor and measure everything. Uber

Who’s to blame when driverless cars have an accident?

Sensors that monitor everything a self-driving vehicle does can help determine who is responsible in the case of an accident – the manufacturer, the service centre or the vehicle owner.
What’s the best way to secure a world of connected objects? Wilgengebroed

Using blockchain to secure the ‘internet of things’

More connected devices means more vulnerability to cyberattacks. Is there a cheap, easy and secure way to protect the internet and the world?
Blockchain technology has turned conventional thinking about intellectual property and copyright on its head. from

Why blockchain challenges conventional thinking about intellectual property

Blockchain technology is flourishing in an open-source environment, which raises the question of whether current intellectual property laws are the best tools to foster innovation.
For the global tuna industry, which has historically struggled with illegal and environmentally dubious fishing practices, the use of blockchain could be a turning point. WWF

How blockchain is strengthening tuna traceability to combat illegal fishing

Blockchain is now helping to bring much-needed transparency to the global tuna industry, which has been prone to corruption, human slavery and unsustainable fishing practices.

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