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Todos os artigos de Bots

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There’s little evidence that Twitter is being overrun with partisan bots in the leadup to the Canadian election. Waldemar Brandt/Unsplash

Scant evidence of active Twitter bots as Canadian election kicks off

Claims that tweets on the Canadian election are the work of bot accounts, without empirical evidence or verification, need to be taken with a grain of salt.
Adding bots into an online discussion can definitely affect the views of real people. Tatiana Shepeleva/

Even a few bots can shift public opinion in big ways

Measuring Twitter bots’ effects on the opinions of real people can yield surprising results about what makes them influential.
Populists like Donald Trump have used Twitter to his enormous political advantage. But the popular social media platform is failing to bring to heel the bots and fake accounts that can and have interfered with democracy. (AP Photo/J. David Ake)

Twitter’s struggle to thwart threats to democracy

Bots and fake accounts on Twitter helped sway the U.S. presidential election in 2016. Here’s how the social media platform has purportedly tried, and failed, to combat threats to democracy.
Media education opportunities should be more frequently available in schools to ensure young Australians meaningfully engage with news media. Shutterstock

Most young Australians can’t identify fake news online

A new survey reveals that while most young Australians get news from online sources, they lack the skills to distinguish fake news.
Troll image from

Fighting online trolls with bots

Automated systems that watch online chats and flag racist, sexist and bullying behavior could help curtail internet abuse.
Don’t click on links and you’ll be alright. Atlaspix

Media shock stories about GameOver Zeus are not helpful

We need to watch out for headlines like the ones earlier this week warning that people had two weeks to protect themselves from a “powerful computer attack”. It can end up scaring people who have little…

Creating cyborg cockroaches

An new electronic interface allows researchers to remotely control cockroaches. Scientists have embedded electrodes into…

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