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Todos os artigos de Childhood development

Exibindo 21 - 40 de 61 artigos

You can’t test for autism with a simple blood test or scan, which can make the diagnostic process difficult and dependent on the skill and experience of the clinician. altanaka/Shutterstock

New autism guidelines aim to improve diagnostics and access to services

Current rules about who meets the eligibility criteria for autism support services are patchy and inconsistent, meaning those with the greatest need don’t necessarily have the greatest access.
Children are often sad when separated from their parents for a short time, but the effects are pronounced if the separation is long. Eakachai Lessin/

Why long-term separation from parents harms kids

Kids often experience anxiety when separated from parents for short periods. Longer separations, happening with some immigrant children, is a different matter, a leading child psychiatrist explains.
A small percentage of children will need intensive instruction when being taught to read. Flickr/horrigans

How to teach literacy so no child is left behind

We need a clear plan in place to ensure that no child falls through the net. Such a plan needs to be both effective and cost-effective.
Children growing up in a world of social media are developing a very different conception of privacy to that of their parents. Ed Ivanushkin/Flickr

Online and out there: how children view privacy differently from adults

Many people are shocked by what children are willing to share about themselves online. Is it that they don’t understand privacy, or just have a different conception of it compared to adults?
Sharing stories around the dinner table fosters greater self-esteem and resilience in young people. Howard Chalkley

‘Remember when we…?’ Why sharing memories is soul food

Families and friends share memories all the time; “You’ll never guess…”, “How was your day?”, and “Do you remember when…” are rich daily fodder. Sharing memories is not only a good way to debrief and reminisce…

Mum why are you so fat?

“Move mum! I cant see the TV … your tummy is in the way.” The anguish in my daughter’s voice was clear – this was not just any TV show I was blocking, it was Peppa Pig! Later that night as I was putting…
You can tell me anything. Mother & son image via Shutterstock

Bonding with your child matters for their life chances

The idea that parenting matters for early child development is now widely accepted. We also now know a great deal about the role of parenting in social inequalities in development. Parents with more resources…
Making words make sense. Ben Birchall/PA Archive/Press Association Images

Don’t let reading wars hold back more able children

Some children arrive at school already able to read. They have enjoyed books with their parents and understand the exciting route that reading takes them into the wonderful world of stories. They may well…
A debate over whether children should be forced to say ‘sorry’ misses the point. Child image from

Teach children to say ‘sorry’: why the word is only the first step

Lawyers have conniptions whenever they hear it, Parliamentarians routinely avoid using it, and all over the world, people have arguments about who should say it first. The latest grumblings about the humble…
Why don’t we have universal access to early childhood education? Flickr/Phyllis Buchanan

A more sustainable Australia: closing gaps in childhood inequity

**A more sustainable Australia* As the 2013 election campaign continues, we’ve asked academics to look at some of the long-term issues affecting Australia – the issues that will shape our future.* Looking…
Children who are engaged at school are more likely to go on to a professional, semi-professional or managerial career. Image from

School engagement predicts success later in life

Children’s interest and engagement in school influences their prospects of educational and occupational success 20 years later, over and above their academic attainment and socioeconomic background, researchers…

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